territory idle save editorclub soda smoked gouda dip recipe
It's a most simple and powerful tool for a lot jrpg and visual novels. Copy and paste that into the import in the game. If you have one - welcome to use this site. W0lOSV0NCmdhbWUxPSJXMGxPU1YwTkNsdFVTVTFGWFEwS2JYbDBhVzFsUFNJME16UXhOUzQ0TmpFNU5qYzFPVEkxT1NJTkNsdFNSVk5kRFFwNlpYSnVQU0l4TURBaURRcHNaWE05SWpBaURRcHJZVzA5SWpBaURRcDJaWEk5SWpBaURRcGtYMkowYkQwaU1DSU5Dbk5mWW5Sc1BTSXdJZzBLVkY5amJISTlJakFpRFFwaFgydHNaWFE5SWpBaURRcGJVa1ZNWFEwS2NHRnVQU0l0TVNJTkNtOWZZMjUwUFNJd0lnMEtiMTkwYVcxbFBTSXdJZzBLYjE5MGVYQmxQU0l3SWcwS2IxOXdYM1JwYldVOUlqQWlEUXB2WDNCZlkyOXpkRDBpTUNJTkNtOWZjSE5sZFdSdlBTSXdJZzBLYjE5dGIyNXJQU0l3SWcwS2NtVnNQU0l0TVNJTkNtaHZiSGs5SWpBaURRcGJURTVFWFEwS1FreEVNRDBpTUNJTkNsOUNURVF3UFNJd0lnMEtjbUZpWDAwd1BTSTBJZzBLY21GaU1EMGlNQ0lOQ25KaFlsOVFNRDBpTUNJTkNuQnpaWFZrYnpBOUlqQWlEUXB6WVhWMGJ6QTlJakFpRFFwQ1RFUXhQU0l3SWcwS1gwSk1SREU5SWpBaURRcHlZV0pmVFRFOUlqUWlEUXB5WVdJeFBTSXdJZzBLY21GaVgxQXhQU0l3SWcwS2NITmxkV1J2TVQwaU1DSU5Dbk5oZFhSdk1UMGlNQ0lOQ2tKTVJESTlJakFpRFFwZlFreEVNajBpTUNJTkNuSmhZbDlOTWowaU5DSU5DbkpoWWpJOUlqQWlEUXB5WVdKZlVESTlJakFpRFFwd2MyVjFaRzh5UFNJd0lnMEtjMkYxZEc4eVBTSXdJZzBLUWt4RU16MGlNQ0lOQ2w5Q1RFUXpQU0l3SWcwS2NtRmlYMDB6UFNJMElnMEtjbUZpTXowaU1DSU5DbkpoWWw5UU16MGlNQ0lOQ25CelpYVmtiek05SWpBaURRcHpZWFYwYnpNOUlqQWlEUW89Ig0KZ2FtZTI9IlcwaE1VRjBOQ21oc2NGOWhZbVE5SWpFaURRcGJVa1ZUWFEwS1oyOXNaRDBpTUNJTkNsdExURVZkRFFwemFHbG1kRmc5SWpBaURRcHphR2xtZEZrOUlqQWlEUW89Ig0KbmV2ZXI9IiINCg==. At the start of the game you dont have a whole lot to work with, spam wheat fields and buy workers like you would in any other idle game. There is no Hero Academy in tile #1, no option of quitting the trial and I can't build the academy and hotel for free. General mines are located at the top of the file. > Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repositorys web address. made the game pretty much unplayable to many of us. > *Originally posted by **[SethWildCard](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12896482)**:* Not sure if this counts. Fandom Cortex RPG Using Json Editor, open the savegame.json. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Unless things have changed this only works under some circumstances, so it's strategy rather than exploit. When I abdicated to get the last tile I got 4 messages of Tile Overlap, and 4 of the tiles I got were gone. Relics are permanent upgrades that can be purchased with Faith once you build a Cathedral. There is NO warranty or support for any broken or missing save games as a result of using this app. Drawbacks of this strategy: Pull requests and updates are always welcome. Repeat as necessary. The price of an academy won't go up until one of them finishes building.~~ (Confirmed fixed) Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). I mean, really, are those few complications that much worse than ALL the benefits of changing the system clock? Though I can see it being maybe a bit nerffed eventually. Like all that stuff about paradoxes, temporal incursions and disrupting the timestream - no sweat. > > If you combine the hammer (+1 armor per second) with the shield that blocks, you can have infinite armor and capture tiles while you are away. Closed it later, and reopened today and i have everything still, plus 500% exp from the first mentor use (i guess 500% is the max the first time). > you can actually buy as many academys as fast as you can click Ahhh Now I have to go back to playing the game as normal. > Explore. 1) Significantly slower than active play. But you can choose any path for save. The goal of this project is to provide a better user experience through a ui editor for save files. I've seen this sort of thing before, but it seems intermittent. Youve completed your Kongregate account! 165fix. Repeat as necessary. He was idle, pleasure-loving, mentally indolent, like Irma de Gaud. All parameters are stored as plain strings. Get Tiles IV. Like, 1024 characters longer. Get a good mix of both and invest into the first two abilities of the religion. Personally, I will keep my current 'glitched' session running until a replacement reward for active play is given. Get Tiles II. And already was published a lot of games by this engine. Please Locate the section you want to modify: a. It puts your faith to a negative number and bugs the game. I had same issue, seems game constantly checks how many storage buildings you have. Repeat this until you have unlocked your next tile for 100 gold and saved up at least another 10 gold. Using this editor may prevent you from participating in the Leaderboard. Where is it usually located? Just got a serious bug that wiped out a bunch of my progress and I was hoping to recover it with the new manual save feature, but I cannot find the location of the save on my drive. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. > > you can actually buy as many academys as fast as you can click Opened a new tab and tried it, then closed the tab and kept playing for another 2 hours or so. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://coderpatsy.bitbucket.io/decoder.html. 2) Only gets you to about 1200 Progress Territory Idle Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. The most important part here however is the improved ritual strength. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. HTML Decode is very unique tool to encode plain html. > Also works for "Create a mentor". Even if you are improving the stat, the auto-hiring ritual will continue to spend resources on purchasing that stat improvement, completely depleting your resources in that category and immediately spending them once they reach that amount again. I might return to find out that mimes have become the ruling population. Bug Report: Auto Hire with Training Hall will spend your resources with out training your levels when you don't have enough resources to hire. Also, there's a weird Schrodinger thing going on with the first mentoring giving either 500% or 1000%. > *Originally posted by **[xempik](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12896348)**:* Prices Charts Information Packages 3 Depots 1 Configuration Cloud Saves Achievements Items 6 Screenshots Related Apps History Territory Idle Wiki. There's also the fact that changing your clock is cheating by lying to the game, and nearly impossible to prevent; the "T" key is "part of the game". The progression here would be to use wheat fields to gain 10 gold, then build 1 or 2 wheat fields and buy 500 wood to build your first lumber camp and fill up your tiles with lumber camps which you level as far as possible before abdicating. * After buying the third stone god upgrade upgrade ("Forgetful God"), the first two stone god upgrades become cheaper than they should be (1500 holiness and 35000 holiness respectively). Support the game developer! save to pc doesn't give me anything, export save gives me a dialog that says copied to clipboard. Worked like a charm. Those two should have met and married, only they could never have endured each other. Copy to Encode. I'm not about to mess with the paradigm of time. Encode it. The price of rituals also imrpoves with each use, so it is best to have all desired effects active at once instead of constantly switching. I did notice that the T key no longer boosts my production. Restores 50 Stamina and 2 Health. > Not sure if this counts. What will you evolve into? > and needs to be changed back once done Resetting comes early in this game (availaible once you have built on every tile) and is important to advance with the game, for every 10 yield in resources you produce you will gain 1 gold on reset, gold yield is rounded down so aim for multiples of 10. PLAY STATION SERIES, RPG MAKER SERIES, PC GAME, RETRO GAME, UTILITY / PARSE TOOLS, etc. However, wood prices for workers are stored as a negative number, so they'll never be greater than 1000000 - bypassing that check, and allowing the rounding function to cause havoc with its integer overflow issues. I get the following when trying to access the relic page with Wise Frog god selected. Want 10,000,000 plywood? Export your game. It's a most simple and powerful tool for a lot jrpg and visual novels. 15%. Cool. Quest and earn an exclusive shiny kongpanion + 10 kreds With this ability you can add around 4-5 monks every 15 seconds to all your temples while the ritual is active. Though I can see it being maybe a bit nerffed eventually. This pattern exists between saves, thus any possible XOR encryption is constant, and most likely uses a repeating key. Then who's laughing? By default savefile seems located in Users\Username\My Documents\. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. : , , , , . > *Originally posted by **[NormaTheNorman](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12899787)**:* > *Originally posted by **[Brilliand](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12896745)**:* See so many things in the game are so incredibly out of balance still that the exploits (except perhaps the amber one) made the game bearable to play. 1 Religion; 2 Temple; 3 Academy; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit. You can save a lot of faith then click button to purchase a tile with faith. Geez, what is with people today? > > **Amber Duplication Glitch:** Save up enough gold to buy a tile. > > > *Originally posted by **[xempik](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12896348)**:* The goal of this project is to provide a better user experience through a ui editor for save files. Complete Initialization for 10 kreds Currently, the shipyard is the only building with wood-based workers. Want to max out your money? Wishlist Follow Ignore Install Watch. 4 months ago. You will always be able to play your favorite games on Kongregate. There, it will open the standart folder, and you can look, if the save games are there. > *Originally posted by **[e_cha](/forums/1023281/topics/1761559?page=1#12897648)**:* > New exploit, if you have multiple heroes, if one finishes capturing, all will capture (one hero was over 200 ahead, due to me fooling around with the scythe, and testing it vs evasion) Sunny. This enables us to obtain enough faith to snatch all the basic relics as well as the forest one with minimal time investment, as a nice side effect the rituals and improved yields of forest tiles will add up to a rather nice gold bonus when you next abdicate. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; . Cheatbook-Database 2023 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, Territory Idle - Space Mode Guide (Walkthrough Step-by-Step) February 23, 20200 This guide aims to help you get past space quickly so that you can go back to the main game and enjoy your new mutations, all while keeping amber costs reasonable. PR Process. Scroll down to plywood and enter 10,000,000 into the amount field. Closed it later, and reopened today and i have everything still, plus 500% exp from the first mentor use (i guess 500% is the max the first time). Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. As there are is no way of looking up almost anything I decided to make my own notes - and if I'm doing it anyway I can as well share them with you. Author: Category: apple cinnamon mead recipe 1 gallon. JavaScript must be enabled for certain features to work, {"commentics_url":"\/\/www.trainerscity.com\/comments\/","page_id":868326,"enabled_country":true,"country_id":0,"enabled_state":false,"state_id":0,"enabled_upload":false,"maximum_upload_amount":3,"maximum_upload_size":5,"maximum_upload_total":5,"securimage":false,"securimage_url":"\/\/www.trainerscity.com\/comments\/3rdparty\/securimage\/securimage_show.php?namespace=cmtx_868326","cmtx_wait_for_comment":"cmtx_wait_for_comment","lang_error_file_num":"A maximum of %d files are allowed to be uploaded","lang_error_file_size":"Please upload files no bigger than %.1f MB in size","lang_error_file_total":"The total size of all files must be less than %.1f MB","lang_error_file_type":"Only image file types are allowed to be uploaded","lang_text_loading":"Loading ..","lang_placeholder_country":"Country","lang_placeholder_state":"State","lang_text_country_first":"Please select a country first","lang_button_submit":"Add Comment","lang_button_preview":"Preview","lang_button_remove":"Remove","lang_button_processing":"Please Wait.."}, {"commentics_url":"\/\/www.trainerscity.com\/comments\/","auto_detect":false}, Click here to follow the instructions to enable JavaScript in your Web browser. 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territory idle save editor
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